Janine stood in front of the doors. The creature behind her waited, patient, but watchful.
"So, have you made your choice?" it whispered.
Janine shook her head. The door on her left was magnificently adorned and vibrant with gemstones. The sign next to it promised wealth beyond imagination, comfort beyond description, and youth everlasting. The caveat? It didn't seem too much to ask: "Relax and let us take care of everything." Janine was tired. Tired of working a thankless job that didn't quite pay enough to cover the bills. Tired of being cold in winter and hot all summer long. Tired of being alone with her thoughts. Tired, too tired to think.
The door on the right was simple. Smooth and elegant, burnished oak, if she had to guess. The wood-grain was patterned, as though the door had been created from a single burl. The sign next to this door only said, "Life." Janine examined the doorframe; it seemed to be mostly made of mottled cypress wood, but the top crossbeam looked redder. "Rosewood?" Janine wondered. Her builder father would have known for sure. Thinking of him hurt her throat, so she looked away.
The creature changed position behind her, not quite impatient, but showing signs that she needed to decide soon.
"Have you made your choice?" it whispered again.
Janine couldn't see the creature; it was more shadow than substances, yet it persisted and insisted that she choose a door. She didn't even know why she had to choose, only that she must, and soon. Weighed down by the burden of choice, she reached out her hand to touch the knob of the door on the left. At one time it may have been textured, but the gold was slick and cool beneath her fingers. She heard the creature behind her move again- was it laughing or clapping? Janine couldn't tell. Distracted by the agitated thing behind her, she withdrew her hand, examining both knobs.
Somehow Janine understood that this choice could not be undone or reconsidered. One she opened a door, she had to walk through it, to whatever lay beyond. It seemed like such an easy choice: left for everything she could have dreamed, right for something undefined. Wasn't "life" the thing that drained everything from Janine? Drained of energy, drained of ideas, drained of hope, all she really needed now was rest. The idea of relaxing and letting someone else take care of everything sounded absolutely heavenly.
Janine turned from the slick golden door knob to the one on the right door. It looked heavy to her, and she wondered whether she would have enough strength to turn it. It was made of the same rosewood as the lintel, contrasting with the light amber hue of the door. The more Janine studied this door, the more detail she noticed and the more beautiful it looked to her. It was a quiet strength and beauty that kept her gaze, but there were no promises about what lay on the other side.
The whisper behind her came again, "So, have you made your choice?" The creature's hot breath stirred her hair and she looked left to avoid its putrefying odor. The gems glittered in ruby, sapphire, and emerald. The golden doorknob seemed to glow. "Relax and let us take care of everything," the sign reminded her. The door on the right remained solid. Janine reached again for the spectacular door, touching the knob briefly before saying, "I have made my choice."
The creature behind her stifled a gleeful laugh, nearly giddy with excitement, but Janine turned and grasped the rosewood handle. Her hand fit perfectly around the knob, which felt warm to the touch. She braced for a challenge, but the door swung open easily, revealing a verdant green pasture and a gently running stream. As Janine stepped through the door, she heard the screams of the creature as it burned to ash.
Wow, I was hoping Janine would choose the rosewood door. This was wonderful.